a division of R-Biopharm AG

We offer innovative products for various applications in the area of food and feed analysis. Click here and find out what we can do for your company.

Our test systems allow the detection of analytes such as allergens, mycotoxins, contaminants and many more. Browse our portfolio here.

Our innovative technologies for food and feed analysis include ELISA, PCR, LFD, culture medium plates and more. View our analytical methods here.

Do you want to learn more about our products and technologies? Our media section provides informative brochures, publications, videos and more.

Are you interested to get in-depth information on food analysis? Would you like to have hands-on training for our test methods? Join our workshops!
Semi-automated nucleic acid preparation for food and feed samples – simplicity and convenience
Meat fraud: Your meal might not be what is says on the label
Detecting milk fraud
Legionella, a waterborne risk
5 reasons for using PCR in allergen analysis
Egg-free Easter: How to guarantee safe food for allergy sufferers
Coronavirus: Can you get infected through food?
DON: How contaminated is our grain?
PCR analysis the easy way
关于BFT软件使用的技巧(一):2021-2-2 · 链界财富 让10亿人使用移动区块链 最近BFChain开放挖矿公测,发现大家对BFT软件的使用效果均存在不同偏差,诸多问题实际上是由于手机功能设置和BFT的原理没有很好的结合起来,问题总出现在某个简单的方面 一、BFT节点软件及移动设备的使用基本原理 重点: 要保证伍上几个方面的优势,就要 …
Mycotoxin analysis via smartphone: RIDA®SMART APP in combination with our rapid tests is the ideal tool for on-site mycotoxin testing.
Compact, fast & precise: Meet RIDA®CUBE SCAN, the fully automated photometric system for on-site enzymatic analysis.
What’s new in the field of food analysis? Meet us at conferences and trade fairs worldwide and gain new scientific insights!
ExploreProduct catalogue
The R-Biopharm product range at a glance: Download our current product catalogue 2023 for food and feed analysis here.